Accademia SantaGiulia di Brescia

Accademia SantaGiulia di Brescia

Antonella Salvadore

(Ita) Nata a Brescia nel 1971, Antonella Salvadore matura la sua prima formazione artistica frequentando il DAMS di Bologna; in seguito approfondisce la conoscenza del restauro, al quale si dedica per diversi anni. Nel 2007, sentendo crescere l’esigenza di tornare all’aspetto più creativo del suo lavoro, si iscrive alla LABA – Libera Accademia di Belle Arti di Brescia, presso la quale consegue il diploma accademico in Pittura…

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Annalisa Gregorio

(Ita) Annalisa Gregorio è iscritta al Biennio di Arti Visive dell’Accademia di Belle Arti SantaGiulia di Brescia, dopo la laurea in Pittura all’Accademia di Brera. La sua ricerca si è negli anni spostata dall’ambito pittorico in senso tradizionale e bidimensionale, a quello installativo e in particolar modo ambientale, sperimentando la “tenuta” del livello cromatico nel dialogo con la dimensione plastica e l’aspetto fruitivo dell’opera.

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Daniele Boi: the form of absence

Trasmuting absence, returning disguised as sculpture. This is the work of Daniele Boi. This twenty-four year old artist flips the traditional and physical idea of sculpture to reach the sculpture as modelling of inner space, of the lack inherent in any human being. When the viewer becomes capable of experiencing the abandonment of one’s ego,…

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The model of metamorphosis

A modern voyage in the unfathomable aesthetic sphere of change. Laura Pelosio follows the emblematic route of metabolism awakening the remote myth of intimate and aesthetic transformation of natural form, deductible through the symbols of her own hermetic and multiple expressions. The meaning of her research thus meets the logic and the enigma of a…

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Using color to define an environment is like painting a three dimentional picture where the observer can enter and explore micro and macro dimensions denoted by their various colors, bang tugged by the many sensory strings that connect colour to our lifes.   Logo “Design” di Alberto Casagrande  

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Cyrcus Lab with Denis Santachiara

The selfproduction is a virtual island, a place of our minds, with all the characteristics of an open market in which, via internet, ideas can evolve in both dynamic and custom made ways. The very abstraction of this place re-instates the original characteristics of a pure creative-thought language, within the emerging self-production way. At the…

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Maddalena Fanconi

Maddalena Fanconi realized this work to give form to the beginning words of Genesis, and precisely to the ones describing with incomparable power the passage between the second and the third day of Creation: a complex and well-structured artwork, in which she has been able to condense, firstly, the depth of her faith, but at the same time the cultural references guide beyond the piousness, proposing unexpected travel in art history.

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