Space and its “network”
Thoughts on intuition and representation of “deep” places.
We address the idea of vacuum, where the physicality and intuition of being have always been immersed: about the forms and reasons of this radical dimension, full of unparalleled charm, we can only speak, without fully coming to grips with the founding aspect of the presence and authentic meaning.
On this note, it is just appropriate to remember how the models of nature provided the ancient physiologists and philosophers with the primary elements from which to deduce this specific extension and how from here the structures of Platonic and Aristotelian geometries have prevailed to provide the foundation of the modern speculation which, from Albertian Humanism to the scientific and heretical field of the baroque world, give space back to us as a liveable place in which to welcome the aesthetic configuration of human history.
And so we move from the classic finite space of the “horror vacui” to Giordano Bruno’s idea of the infinite which includes the unknown torment, changeable and unpredictable even in mankind’s expression and aesthetic search.
From these roots born the modern idea of social space, the theatre of sociology, economy, psychology politics and aesthetics of “Novecento breve” (the short Twentieth Century).
The brand new phenomenological configuration that Einstein proposes to modern civilisation and that Escher outlines in his suggestive ambiguous perspective graphics and visual dualism allows an opening to the contemporary rooting of virtual space, which in the electronic world provides the availability of an infinite phantasmagoria of models, materials, colours and shapes, that can configure as many situations and alternative virtual lives for our existence.
Nevertheless, we believe that Art and its emotion is still entrusted with the sense of this unfathomable entity and nonetheless present in the deepest depths of our thoughts and irrational impulses as they are contained in the ineffable and dark area of space, timeless and without history, in the enigmatic aspect in which it still appears.